Thursday, February 12, 2009

Summing It Up

Thursday: Secretary (Day) / Server (Night)
My thoughts today are geared toward society and its obsession with technology. Society's obsession with technology is what created my obsession with the tangible (the silver lining, I suppose). What I mean by obsession is that I think we're taking technology too far. My mom even thinks we're going to run out of electricity, and she claims that everyone will be sunk because there's no Plan B. I think she's right, for the most part.
Although I try to take advantage of technology, I'm not crazy about most of it. I remember what it's like to not have it. But because technology has been developing, I've been changing with it...if that makes sense...
Working at the college, we have been presented the idea of doing telecourses (courses taken from the computer, never meeting in a classroom). I work for the Education Department--they teach people how to teach people. How can anyone possibly think that an online education is credible when the degree concentrates on socializing with children? I feel the same about any online program that is geared toward an occupation that deals with human beings (counseling, psychology, nursing, etc.).
The notion of telecourses got me thinking about the human race and it's development connected with technology. There is no doubt that technology has affected our ability to socialize. We are becoming independent creatures, absent from direct communication: no tone, no physical connection. Technology is desensitizing the world. I'm sure it's been said before--I agree. Tie this point in with telecourses.
People need the college experience. Yes, online courses can be helpful for a person who works, I agree; however, getting your entire degree online is kind of ridiculous. (Question: Who really knows if the person who is enrolled is the actual person completing the assignments?) In addition, I think that college is a commitment, and you illustrate your commitment by lugging the books to class, sitting through lecture, and getting a tangible perspective. Going to class allows for interaction, networking.
I commended two of my students because they had apparently exchanged contact information. Over the weekend, one of the students had a question, but she emailed me Saturday night, and I wasn't able to respond until Sunday. She then decided to contact her classmate, and they were able to help each other through...The End. My point is that people become resources for the present and the future. The people we meet are the people who are there to help us through--in many forms. It's okay to ask someone for help. It's okay to learn, and it's okay to make sacrifices for the things you want and need.
It took me six years to get a four year degree. I paid for it myself, with help from Uncle Sam. I got no tuition reimbursement, and I had to purchase books on my own. I worked between 1 and 3 jobs my entire college career. It can be done. Getting a degree that I am proud of was my ultimate goal, and I made the commitment to get it. I think that this "desensitizing" is also affecting our ability to be decisive and make commitments. Without human contact, commitment becomes meaningless.
Deep Thoughts... :)
Friday: Secretary (Day) / Off (Night) Yay!!!

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